My Notes: 3 Screens and the Cloud: How NUI Technologies Play Nice Together

Speaker: Tim Huckaby  Chairman of  Uses Awesomium control to embed web content into WPF application for kiosks/etc. Natural User Interface (NUI) =  touching the screen (or manipulating the screen without touching it) Tenants The content should define the experience  The “Grandma Huckaby Test”: the ability to effectively use the kiosk without training No one … Continue reading "My Notes: 3 Screens and the Cloud: How NUI Technologies Play Nice Together"

My Notes: The New Age of Cloud Computing Eliminating the Need to Write Security Code

Speaker: Doron Grinstein (BiTKOO)   (Involved with development of FastPass at Disney) Cloud computing is not a server with a longer extension cord (co-location of our hardware). Cloud computing definition (in his mind): Ability of 3rd party to store, process, search, compute, without being able to look at my data even with a court order.  Algorithms  should support … Continue reading "My Notes: The New Age of Cloud Computing Eliminating the Need to Write Security Code"

My Notes: The Cloud as a Platform

Speaker: Jinesh Varia   Amazon Web Services (AWS) Technology Evangelist Lines are blurring between SaaS, PaaS, IaaS Lots of new innovative business models.  Pay as you go, One time upfront + pay as you go, Requested bid price and pay as you go, Standard and Reserved.   These work best respectively in the following environments: Spiky workloads, steady … Continue reading "My Notes: The Cloud as a Platform"

My Notes:Android Dev for .NET/C# Developers with Mono for Android

Session Speaker: Wally McClure (on intro slide said: aka: “.NET Judas”) Where we are at now: Laptops are not quite convenient Power management is important Wifi is not everywhere Multiple smart phone platforms iPhone has tremendous mind share/market share Android has seen tremendous growth RIM is dominant in the corporate market still WP7 has shipped .NET … Continue reading "My Notes:Android Dev for .NET/C# Developers with Mono for Android"

My Notes:Building Location Intel In Your WP7 Apps with Bing Maps

Session Speaker: Nickolas Landry Main focus is Interacting with location service.  Not a very popular session as only five people in this session. WP7 location services -Phone positioning via GPS, Assisted-GPS (cell towers) and WiFi Bing maps Web Services include: (REST & SOAP) Geocoding service Routing service Search service Geospatial Data storage options SQL Server 2008 SQL Azure Bing spatial … Continue reading "My Notes:Building Location Intel In Your WP7 Apps with Bing Maps"

My Notes:GPS for Android

Session speaker: Robert Machale Unfortunately Robert had trouble accessing his Google Docs account, so he did not have access to his slides.  Worst part was that he didn’t let the room know he was waiting to try and get on the network for the first 15 mins of the session.  After 15 mins, then finally mentioned … Continue reading "My Notes:GPS for Android"

My Notes: The Cloud Computing Paradigm – Transforming Business, Technology and Industry Keynote

Ric Telford, from IBM presented: A private cloud is not ‘the cloud’.  This is not true.    Cloud model can be embraced by everybody. Cloud is a delivery model for IT with these attributes: On demand self service Ubiquitous network access Location independent resource pooling Rapid elasticity A delivery model that allows developers to get to … Continue reading "My Notes: The Cloud Computing Paradigm – Transforming Business, Technology and Industry Keynote"