Speaker: Wei-Meng Lee
Wei’s talk was very good, but unfortunately for me, it covered many points that I had already been introduced to in the two other Location based sessions I had attended within the past two days.
Here are the main takeaways I got from the session that were not already covered in the other sessions:
TIP: (most common problems) Requires INTERNET permission in the android Manifest.XML file to get mapping control to work correctly.
Troubleshooting tip: if you don’t have internet access working in the emulator, or the Map API Key is not entered in your code, you won’t be able to see the map.. (95 % of the issues people have are these two)
Confirmed Native support for GeoCoding and reverse GeoCoding by Google Maps too.
Don’t use both location Manager = “GPS” and “Network” at same time… write the code to turn one off back and forth… otherwise your coords will change often.